Sunday, August 9, 2009
My green-ish tint in my thumb
I am proud of myself. There I said it. I have never grown anything that is edible in my 30-whatever years. I was inspired and thought it was time!
Okay, so we got some dirt, some... whatever Josh put around the dirt, whatever we put in the dirt (see, you can see I didn't really research or prepare for much) and stuck some beans and stuff inside the dirt. I know that I should have planned a bit more, but oh well- that is typical of me. Our garden named "Herb" (pronounce the H, now) was off to a very pathetic start. Sad really.
We finally figured it out. Too much water.
I was disappointed that everything either withered, browned or shriveled up into nothing. I told the girls not to lose HOPE. I wasn't going to lose hope. Without it you have nothing!
So here we are in the heat of the heat here in Texas and I DO HAVE A BIT OF A GREENish THUMB afterall! We just stopped the crazy overload of watering, really. Of all the herbs, basil is doing best at about 3 feet high, we have 2 peppers, 1 tomato (7 growing now though!), a ton of zuchinni squash lately, and still holding out some of my hope for the beans and cucumbers.
Most of all, Herb makes me smile (in a peaceful, woman-of-the-earth way). This plot of dirt has proved to help some of my creative green-gardening juice come out and is giving the girls a lesson on not giving up.