
Friday, November 21, 2014


I could not not post this picture of my dear friend Rachel.
She came over in her awesome costume!

Nana shared her creative little bat snacks.
(chocolate donuts!)

Lovely, right? Hannah and I were nerds. Lauren a lovely gypsie.
We went through my Mom's Halloween costume collection...and were free spirits this year!

So we headed to Steve's for the traditional Halloween chili. My mom started that tradition waaaay long ago when we were itty bitty kids. Steve has totally kept the tradition up!

Steve always coordinates the family. 
He does the costumes and shops all around town and loves it! 
This totally won the prize! Everyone dressed as characters from the movie "How to Train a Dragon".

The house with the warm fire on the driveway and good candy?

That was us.

And of course candy.

Gotta sort it and trade.

Lauren carved a messed up teeth pumpkin completely needing the aid of braces.
Josh did the braces.

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