The girls and Polly have done great with all the big changes. Kiddos transition so well and can have fun anywhere.
Did I mention exhausted? Josh has been working a ton. Work and home.
We had all 12,000 lbs of our stuff that was crammed into our apartment transferred into our new-to-us-place. We have cleaned, painted, painted more and more and more to come, gardened-n-gussied up the yard, unpacked, cleaned more, moved more, shuffled, get the idea here. It has been chaotic and exhausting. Although fully worn out on every level, we are crazy excited about our butterscotch house and this sweet neighborhood. The girls can walk/bike/scooter to their school, my Mom's house, church and the pool. Seriously cool. I am loving sidewalks (never had sidewalks at our previous 2 homes) and there are miles and miles of trails and mountain views around the neighborhood. I must add that the weather is perfect too. We don't even have air conditioning in this house! A big jump from Texas heat for sure. Our deck and front porch swing have been the breath and relaxation between the yawns. We are finding our way around and looking forward to the roads ahead.