
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Announcing my new ART BLOG-

I am now officially in "blog-world" with you all! I still haven't figured out how you can comment on this Foster's blog....but will keep looking for that button! Nonetheless, the days seem to pass way too quickly and I am wanting to remember the smiles and joy that is offered in each and every day for all of us. (And thank you to Mandi for starting great to read the happenings of everyone!)

Okay, for the past several months I have been trying to figure out how to create a fairly different and fun website to display my art images. Well...forget it! I got too frustrated and said "uuuugh"! So I decided to place those images on another BLOG instead!

Knowing all the emotions and exhaustion the past 6 months or so...I have finally decided that I am ready to start painting again. I am excited to get started on my "global attempts" to begin my small business. And with God's grace (that has been with me through it all) I am putting my creative ambitions out there!

These pictures are very much a modge-podge (and certainly not the most professional pics I must say!) of canvas art I have done for friends, my daugthers, etc. (But hey, it's a start.....)

Take a look- and pass this website along to any mom or mom-to-be for me!
(You can click my link on the left side of this blog)
Love and hugs to all.... stacey
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