I must confess that I myself get into a bit of a frenzy at times with art... and crafts. Not just the stuff you do with a paint brush, but anything that involves creating something out of nothing with your hands. (At holiday time last year, I was totally o b s e s s e d with jewelry making...and I haven't touched it all since.)
So, here we go. As usual, my house and the every counter upstairs and downstairs seem to be filled with a bit of everything. Within this arts-n-crafts time, we have had friends come over and play...and join in on the frenzy. The more creative juice the better.
Camp Stacey it is.
Here are some of the summer "campers" that have joined us in our endeavors-
Our creative times have included:
(I so want to put a picture of all of our stuff on here- but I will hold back)
~We pressed wildflowers from the empty, crazy growing yard next to us and made cards.
~Went over basic 101 for beginners watercolors and painted.
~Painted hummingbird houses.
~Made bottle-cap necklaces.
~Started a still life and it still hasn't gone anywhere (a lil' blonde girl I know got frustrated ;-)
~Did groovy tie-dye shirts.
~Pasted and designed a large collage.
~Made soap with special scents, colors and "exfoiliating" strawberry seeds.
~We now have a forest of felt/pom-pom friends including bugs, bunnies, skunk, squirrel and fish.
Tomorrow: Rock painting