Ask Josh- I have always loved delicate, teeny-tiny wildflowers that sprout up. And no, they aren't weeds! God's goodness and miracles are revealed everywhere. How could it be any other?
We have watched this little bird nest over our front window- the babies are getting ready to fly- and momma bird keeps their bellies full. It reminds me that I/we are the same really- trying to "feed" our babies to get them ready to "fly"!
We have had many cows (and a little calf) in our backyard lately. It's great that we have land/prairie in our backyard with farm animals that we don't have to take care of. We don't own that land, we just enjoy the view (but not the stink at times)!
I cherish everything about spring. Always have. I love more sun (I'm solar-powered ya know), sweet smelling winds (no allergies here), breaking out the flowery short sleeves, growth so fresh and new everywhere, playing outside... the list can go on.
I wanted to thank you all for the love and prayers these past weeks for me. It has been a tough few weeks and I am ready to be feeling like Stacey again. I want to choose to look for the rainbows (just like you say, Mom) in everything. Yesterday was one of those days when you say "it just doesn't get much better than this". Family, girls giggling (not like that is rare!), playing (not really rare either), a sunburn (yes, rare-on this pathetically white body of mine), a pizza picnic, sitting and gazing at the stars (and my hubby too!), relaxing by a fire... you get the picture. We plan on taking alot of time out to enjoy. Before we know it we are gonna be in the dog-dayz of summertime!