Josh has been working on a mud-room/organization station off our gargage lately...and it is just great. We have a big "family calendar" in it and I was just wiping off the dry-erase for February...and whew, what a month!
It started with a Stampin'Up party (love it!) and a hootin' and hollerin' Superbowl party with our church friends. Then Josh's brother David and wife Juliet came from Ohio for some sunshine and relaxation around Valentines day. It was great catching up and I loved getting to know wonderful Juliet. Our family was a bit out of sorts during their visit 'cuz poor Lauren had her adenoids out/tubes in ears surgery...and boy, she was such a trooper! Mommy was a mess! Well, little L was just feeling better and we went to a local park here to get some sunshine on our faces. Looking quite confident and sassy...she took off on her glider (helmet on of course!!) and biffed it on the hill. Oh yes, off to the emergency room for stitches and to see if she fractured her jaw. Again, she was such a big girl and... geez, has really gotten comfortable with doctors lately (heavens, she has seen so many this winter!).
Josh's folks came this last week and they got to enjoy Hannah's party, hang out, and enjoy the weather. We drove into the big D and went to the American Girl Place. Oh, oh, and precious! We had lunch at the bistro (with the dolls too!),saw the dolls get their hair done (yep!) and we held onto our wallets!
Well, that is it in a nutshell for "Whuuut the February?" and we are off to March....