
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

campin' out

We were invited to camp out near CoSprings this past weekend with some friends and family. There were about 20 of us and we delighted in the ATV trails, cooking out, archery, bbgun shooting, rock climbing, warm fires, incredible views, coooold late and sleepless night.

getting our family creative juices goin'

starting on our shirts...
another day starting on our ice-cream...

Our homemade vanilla ice cream was a total flop.
nothing like gettin' your groove on wearing some cool tie-dye!
Forever a fashion staple.

7th grade....5th grade?

How do they get from here:

To here: quickly?

summer pals

We were SO excited to see sweet, dear friends from Texas this summer....

...and super fun with some dear Colorado friends too!

Summer coming to a close...

 Denver Nature Health and Science Museum....

Hannah got her ears pierced (again....first time was at age 8)

found a new park...

bike riding...Polly loves it just as much

babysitting ( brother shouldn't see this!)

...soaking up total cuteness

turning three...choo choo!...the cutest train party

Lauren has been eyeing up this ginormous $29 soft bear at Costco...

she had b-day we HAD to get it....
it took 2 of us to carry it out!
(hey- she's only 10 years old once!)

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